Road safety requirements derived from national codes will often not be able to meet the stringent requirements for specific testing modules. To increase the safety of the test drivers and operators, we make use of our special know-how from the race circuit designer’s perception. By using our specially developed “Risk & Safety Simulation”, we can create an individual safety concept for each project. The work of our risk and safety experts at the start of projects proves to be extremely valuable, as this allows for a detection of potential dangers at an early stage. In this way, it is possible to depict both the design and operational solutions without inducing any larger additional costs. For existing proving and testing facilities, we offer “Risk and Safety Analyses”, consultation and reports in order to check and evaluate the current state of the safety technology. If an existing safety concept requires modifications (for example by shifting the guardrail, increasing the protection zones, etc.) our experts are always trying to implement innovative and tailored made solutions that will minimize your additional costs.

Your test track including infrastructure should be seen as a long-term track. This assumes a professional maintenance and repair. After completion of the construction phase, the adviser team will organize a workshop on-site where the service program for all track components will be explicated. The technical details and the recommended maintenance cycle are specified in our report. To say it easily, an appropriate maintenance and repair mean to keep the value of the track and to raise the profitability. Moreover, such a procedure guarantees constant and reproducible testing conditions. With our help, you can improve the building management processes too and minimize the costs. Good to know: In general, there is a positive relationship between high maintenance and repair and a tracks security.
As passionate designers we see our completed proving ground as a dynamic creation. Test tracks should develop further through new impulses, technical innovations and modified proving conditions. With a good analysis of your modules our design team finds and reveals the potential of for modifications in special fields.
Because of our long-time experience we provide advice at first, to identify demands, scope, and effort of a possible track adaptation. Then our engineers and architects try to realize your vision time-efficient and cost-efficient.

Especially in the context of a successful proving the restoration of a given surface is often inevitable. Even the smallest unevenness or damage caused by weathering or overstraining can make test facilities unusable. These circumstances we face with intelligent and cost-efficient restoration concepts. Moreover, we try to create a double additional value with a restoration. For this, we compare the previous requirements with actual developments and their demands on the track. With this approach, we could create a synergy effect which has a positive effect on the company.

As your partner, we are at your side by finding an operator and an appropriate concept. Caused by our experience for decades and the active help shape of proving processes we know requirements and limitations as a user as well as an operator. Here you have to cope with the interests of different interest groups. We support you in this process which is essential for the success of the proving ground.

The automobile sector finds itself in a deep change. Especially the technical complexity of the vehicles has increased drastically. Moreover, the number of users rose strongly. Beneath the OEMs, the need of real proving at suppliers rises, too. And with this the need for preparing a given proving ground for the new demands. We analyze your given structures and integrate new aspects and modules in your previous concept. Besides the extension, changes of the given modules are part of the renewing process, too.