Delivery bots become pedestrians in the USA
In the US state of Pennsylvania, delivery bots are legally classified.
In Germany, delivery bots only operate sporadically, but in the USA there are already some states that have permitted the operation of delivery bots. These are four-wheeled boxes that drive themselves and are often monitored from a control centre.
The bots are used to deliver food and, during the Corona pandemic, medical equipment and samples. Especially during the Corona pandemic, non-contact handling of deliveries is particularly welcomed.
People are informed of their whereabouts and arrival by text message and are given a code with which they can open the box and take out the contents they have ordered.
The US state of Pennsylvania has now allowed delivery bots to use the pavements. This was made possible by putting the bots on an equal footing with pedestrians. Critical voices are calling for a change in road regulations in this context.
They are allowed to drive 12 miles per hour in the state, which is the equivalent of about 20 kilometres per hour. Other US states where the bots are allowed to operate are: Virginia, Idaho, Florida, Wisconsin and Washington DC.
Sooner or later, such bots will also operate in Germany. However, there is a long way to go before they can be used in cities and municipalities and, above all, they require an extensive test strategy to ensure that they do not pose a danger to pedestrians and vehicles.
Contact us, together we can develop a test field for these small autonomous delivery bots.